Tanja K. Manrique, LLC
Refined Solutions for Families in Transition
Tanja K. Manrique provides Alternative Dispute Resolution and Case Management Services. As a retired judge for the State of Minnesota, her expertise is delivering access to justice in an informed, efficient, personalized manner.
Based upon her 12 years of experience working on the family, juvenile, criminal, drug and domestic violence courts for Minnesota's 4th Judicial District, Tanja understands that litigation is a crisis for most people. Trial is not what people prefer - especially when children and family matters are at issue. A fair and timely settlement is the optimal result for nearly all cases. Tanja managed and resolved thousands of cases during her years on the bench, and she has trained hundreds of lawyers and judges on the best practices for managing cases involving children and families.
Most cases can be resolved in just a few hours when people have access to high quality, confidential Alternative Dispute Resolution services. Tanja provides mediation, neutral evaluation, arbitration, consensual special magistrate, parent consulting, and complex case management services.
To inquire further or schedule an appointment, email Office@manriqueadr.com .